Saturday, August 9, 2014

Entry one- monster SRP

The book I am reading for my summer reading project is Monster by Walter Dean Myers. This book is based on a person that is being taken to court for stealing from a store. The book is written a lot differently than the books I have read in the past. It is written like a director would wright a movie and not for someone to read in a book. The main character is Stephen, who is the one who stole from the store. There are a few other characters but Stephen is going to court soon so I don't think that they will be very important in the future. Some of the predictions I have made are that Stephen will be sent to another prison if he is found guilty for his crime. Another prediction is that the book will be based in the court and the crime itself and will be like a Sherlock Holmes movie where they try and find who the real criminal is. A questions that I have is if Stephen even did the crime because the book didn't include all of the details. I also think that the book reminds me a lot of the show Law and Order because Stephen is about to go to court and the show is all about court.

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