Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Entry Three- Monster SRA

The book I read for my summer reading assignment is Monster by Walter Dean Myers. I read this book because the cover looked interesting to me. I also picked it because one of my friends said they had read it before and said that it was good. what made me want to keep reading is how the author used different types of diction throughout the novel. "Let me make sure you understand what's going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is as serious as it gets"(Myers 127/2489). I chose to use this excerpt because this was what made me interested in reading it. In this quote O'Brian explains to Stephen the intensity of what was going on. This got me hooked on the book because it made me realize that this wasn't a fairy tale and that this could have happened in real life. I also like this book because it was written like it is a movie and not a normal book. I think that the book is really different because the author didn't use a lot of advanced vocabulary to make it seem like it was written by the main character.

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