Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Entry four- Monster SRA

The book I read for my summer reading project was Monster by Walter Dean Myers. I read this book because I thought it would be a good book because my friends requested it and they said it was interesting. I loved this book because it kept me on the edge of my seat. Throughout the whole book, I was wondering what would happen next and I was always curious of what would go down. I think that this book is different than others because it is written by the main character, also this book is written like a movie. I like this because the book was almost all dialogue and not much of the thought process. Also I liked the way the book was written because it was right down to the point and there wasn't much time spent on the specifics unless it was completely necessary to the story line. I would recommend this book to anyone that likes mystery novels or anyone that likes prison novels. Also I would like to recommend this book to anyone that likes novels that have an informal dialogue. I have really enjoyed this book because of all the suspense and the intensity that it has throughout the whole novel.

Entry Three- Monster SRA

The book I read for my summer reading assignment is Monster by Walter Dean Myers. I read this book because the cover looked interesting to me. I also picked it because one of my friends said they had read it before and said that it was good. what made me want to keep reading is how the author used different types of diction throughout the novel. "Let me make sure you understand what's going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is as serious as it gets"(Myers 127/2489). I chose to use this excerpt because this was what made me interested in reading it. In this quote O'Brian explains to Stephen the intensity of what was going on. This got me hooked on the book because it made me realize that this wasn't a fairy tale and that this could have happened in real life. I also like this book because it was written like it is a movie and not a normal book. I think that the book is really different because the author didn't use a lot of advanced vocabulary to make it seem like it was written by the main character.

Entry 2- Monster SRA

In the book Monster by Walter Dean Myers, there are many different complexities about the different characters. To understand them you have to know that this book was written by the main character. This means that everything that I know about everyone except Stephen, the main character, is extremely one sided and may not be one hundred percent accurate. In the beginning of the book, Stephen says," I'm writing this whole thing down as a movie"(Myers 161/2489). Another character that plays a big role in the story is O'Brian. O'Brian is one of Stephens friends who gives advice in the beginning of the book. I predict that O'Brian and Stephens relationship will not last long because Stephen is going to court and he will either get out or be moved to a different facility. The theme of the book so far is that bad things happen to good people because I don't think that Stephen did what he is being accused of. I think that Stephen is innocent because he is very scared and doesn't seem like the kind of person that would steal. Although Stephen was the one that wrote the book so I'm not completely sure if he did it or not. This is a picture of Walter Dean Myers.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Entry one- monster SRP

The book I am reading for my summer reading project is Monster by Walter Dean Myers. This book is based on a person that is being taken to court for stealing from a store. The book is written a lot differently than the books I have read in the past. It is written like a director would wright a movie and not for someone to read in a book. The main character is Stephen, who is the one who stole from the store. There are a few other characters but Stephen is going to court soon so I don't think that they will be very important in the future. Some of the predictions I have made are that Stephen will be sent to another prison if he is found guilty for his crime. Another prediction is that the book will be based in the court and the crime itself and will be like a Sherlock Holmes movie where they try and find who the real criminal is. A questions that I have is if Stephen even did the crime because the book didn't include all of the details. I also think that the book reminds me a lot of the show Law and Order because Stephen is about to go to court and the show is all about court.