Thursday, January 16, 2014

Character Symbols- Mark of Athena

In Mark of Athena, I have noticed that each character has a specific trait that makes them different than the others. These traits help the characters developed a contribution to the group. Percy Jackson's symbol would be courageous because he stands up and fights for what he cares about. Annabeth's symbol would be bravery because she is never scared of anything. Leo's symbol is creative because he is an "out of the box thinker". Leo demonstrates this in the first chapter of the book where he modifies a battleship to work with a WII controller instead of  wheel. I think that collectively, Percy, Annabeth and Leo make a great team because of their unique personalities which help them see different ways of completing things.

1 comment:

  1. I've only seen the first movie for the Percy Jackson books, and only know little. But from seeing this I conclude that these are traits given to them from their parents, and that fate probably brought them together because they work so well together.
