Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fat Boy Chronicles- Review

After finishing the Fat Boy Chronicles, I had many questions for the author. Some of these are, why did you exaggerate the truth when you wrote the book. I asked this because I noticed that some of the events in the book were not true. I think that the author put these in because he wanted the reader to feel his emotions and he knew that the readers wouldn't understand by just reading the truth. I believe that this book was an inspiration to me because I was blown away by the obstacles that Jimmy had overcome. The theme of this book is that there is nothing that can stand in your way if you are dedicated. I chose this theme because throughout the entire book, Jimmy was trying to overcome his weight problem and he did through hard work and persistence. I would recommend this book to anyone that has in interest in a feel-good story.


  1. We read fat boy Chronicles in Health class it is surprisingly good and dramatic

  2. I agree the book is pretty good for an assigned read
