Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fat Boy Chronicles- Review

After finishing the Fat Boy Chronicles, I had many questions for the author. Some of these are, why did you exaggerate the truth when you wrote the book. I asked this because I noticed that some of the events in the book were not true. I think that the author put these in because he wanted the reader to feel his emotions and he knew that the readers wouldn't understand by just reading the truth. I believe that this book was an inspiration to me because I was blown away by the obstacles that Jimmy had overcome. The theme of this book is that there is nothing that can stand in your way if you are dedicated. I chose this theme because throughout the entire book, Jimmy was trying to overcome his weight problem and he did through hard work and persistence. I would recommend this book to anyone that has in interest in a feel-good story.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fat Boy Chronicles- Summary

So far in the Fat Boy Chronicles, there have been a lot of accomplishments for Jimmy, (the main character). In the beginning of the book, Jimmy set a goal to lose 60 pounds by the end of the year. So far, Jimmy has set his mind on this goal and is making the sacrifices for to achieve it. Some of the things that jimmy is doing to lose the weight is he is trying to run almost everyday, also Jimmy is working out in his room by doing things like sit-ups and push-ups. What drove Jimmy to make these goals and be so passionate about them is because when he went to the doctor for a normal check-up, Jimmy was told that if he didn't lose some weight, he would be fat for his whole life. I like the way the author introduced Jimmy's problem because he sort of just dropped us into a problem and made us care about Jimmy. The author also used factors like bullying and Jimmy's love life to get us to relate to him.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fat Boy Chronicles- Text to World

The Fat Boy Chronicles relates to our world in so many ways. One of these ways is that the whole book is centered around Jimmy getting bullied and trying to lose weight. This relates to our world because there are many people in high school that have weight problems and who are trying to fight it. Another connection is how Jimmy likes a girl and is afraid of telling her. This relates to our world because there are so many people with people that they like and are too afraid of saying anything. the Fat Boy Chronicles is also related to our world because it is a non-fiction book that is based in Mason high school.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fat Boy Chronicles- Recommendations

I started reading the Fat Boy Chronicles in the beginning of the trimester and have already gotten almost all the way through the book. This book is written in the perspective of a freshman in high school. The book was written by Lang Buchanan who went to Mason high school and is written in a journal format with lots of voice. I would recommend this book to anyone that likes books that have great endings. I like this book because of the perspective and the struggle that the main character goes through to achieve his goal of losing 60 pounds. I also like the way the author describes things that are extremely because he puts suspense into it.