Friday, December 20, 2013

About Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan is a well known author and one of my personal favorites. Riordan mostly writes mythology and fantasy. He writes in these genres because before he was an author he was a history teacher. Riordan was always a writer who mostly wrote short stories as a student in high school. He never really unlocked his full potential until he started writing the Kane Chronicles. This series is about ordinary kids find out that they are related to the Egyptian gods and are gifted with special knacks like ADHD and fantabulous reflexes. Rick Riordan has received multiple awards like New York Best Seller and other awards similar to it. Riordan is an amazing author and is known internationally for his many books and his unique writing talents.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mark of Athena

I started Mark of Athena last week and didn't get much information on the book so far. What I have gathered on the book is that Percy Jackson has been in a kind of foreign exchange program with the Roman camp and the Greek camp. Percy is sent to the Roman camp in exchange for Jason who is sent to the Greek camp. This is the first time that they have done this and now Annabeth is going to the Roman camp to retrieve Percy and return Jason. Percy is the demigod of Poseidon, the Greek god of water, Annabeth is a demigod of Athena, the Greek god of wisdom, and Jason was demigod of Jupiter, Roman god of the sky. Annabeth and Percy have a relationship and have missed each other for a long time. Jason had not been to his camp in years but still remembers every detail. The Greek camp came because they wanted to join forces against Geah, the mother of all gods.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Summer Reading Character post

The characters in Just After Sunset: Stories changed in many ways. Some of these changes include a new perspective on life due to the dramatic experiences that they went through. These perspectives are mostly molded around the idea of appreciate what you have. My characters interacted with others, before this experience, with a self absorbed feeling of accomplishment but some were humble and shy. In one of the stories an out of shape painter is informed that he is extremely unhealthy. This man then reminisces about this fact for days until he finally purchases a stationary bike. He then starts to ride this bike in his laundry room but feels as if the white wall he stares at is undesirable. The man does not enjoy this at all so he grabs his paint supplies and creates a road that goes through a city and then a forest. With this painting he can use his imagination and ride the bike for hours as he pictures himself riding through the city and into the forest and then into other cities. This demonstrates the round characters because the man at first was taking advantage of his health but then realizes he needs to appreciate it because of the doctors news.
This article explains that the book is a "story within a story" because of the many stories in the book and what they all mean. This article enforces my view on the book by explaining that there are short stories that have a deeper meaning like my rounded character analysis.Sunset Stories Article